Sunday, October 11, 2009

oink, oink, oink

Despite our best efforts, our second child contracted swine flu this week. He came to us at 3AM on Tuesday morning to tell us he did not feel well. Sure enough, he was running a fever. Number 1 child's case turned out to be much more mild than than his. He had a temp that was over 104 on Wednesday morning. We quickly got it under control and he was finally free of fever Friday afternoon. He has been left with a horrible cough which will get better I'm sure. Now I have something but it may only be a cold. I'm so ready for the pigs to move out of my house and take the other bugs with them!!!

Here's hoping your week was much healthier than ours!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I love to Stumble! No! I do not mean falling down, I mean the great internet tool that lets you stumble onto a great web site. Here is a link I found today for a pocket advent calendar. Totally cute and totally affordable! That's a double win in my book!

Welcome October!

Is oh so grateful to have survived another month and begun a new one! Unfortunately, my home has been invaded by swine flu. My oldest came home from school Friday and we quickly figured out that she was running a fever. By Saturday, her cough was worse and she was complaining of body aches. Not good. The doctor's office confirmed that these are classic symptoms of swine flu but would not treat her or anyone else in the family. I am not thrilled by that! Everywhere I look, families are given Tamiflu to prevent swime flu from spreading but not here. I will probably have to call my hubby's doctor to get it for him. At least my DD seems to be handling things okay. She has a fever and aches but her cough is very manageable and the fever responds well to ibuprofen. So those are blessings! Hopefully your month is off to a better start than ours. Did I mention that this week is fall break? So yes, the other kiddos are home with her and hopefully will not contract this nasty bug.