Friday, February 18, 2011

busy weekend

It's another busy weekend in our house!  DS will be serving and cleaning up at Disney fundraiser / pancake breakfast tomorrow.  He has to be at the restaurant at 6:45 tomorrow morning!  That is early on a Saturday!  Then our oldest DD will be singing in a competition tomorrow.  She has 4 pieces, 2 musical theatre and 2 art songs to sing.  This is her first competition for Dr. Beasley so I hope she does well.  Her times are 9:30 and 9:40 tomorrow morning.  Then later in the day is another fund raiser for the Disney trip.  This time at Shaggy's Burgers and Tacos.  They are donating 20% of sales if you mention AAA Stars and Clowns with your order.  I am hoping we will have our taxes filed today too.  Woohoo!

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